About Us

The Indonesian government has designed a roadmap to implement several strategies since 2018 in jumpstarting the nation’s development by formulating Making Indonesia 4.0, aiming to boost Indonesia’s competitiveness in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), of which manufacturers will have the potential to transform their operations, improve productivity and competitiveness, and even adopt new business models to move up the value chain.

Digitalization and sustainability initiatives, including decarbonization and the circular economy, should be the future path of the recovery programs in Indonesia to help firms transition and be more resilient to short and longer-term shocks. The Omnibus Job Creation Law still needs intergovernmental synchronization process to meet its main goal of simplifying licensing and bolster investment competitiveness.

Indeed Indonesia is still facing challenges that suppress private sector development over its abundance of natural resources and favorable demographics. However, the prospects for Indonesia’s economy are truly exciting. Understanding that a positive investment climate and optimistic regulations provide strong support to the increase in transactions, capital inflow, and global interest in Indonesia, let’s collaborate.

Business leaders need awareness of their current business position and reach out to the right channels to make the right decisions for successful investments in Indonesia. Eternity Consulting has the expertise, exposure, and knowledge to navigate you. Whether you want to set up in Indonesia or enhance your Indonesian operations, we will be your reliable partner.
Sianny Indrawati
Managing Partner
About Us
Specializing in Investment & Economic Zone Advisory, We focus on problem-solving approach to deliver long term investment strategies for executive level. “Being a reliable support at every stage of your project” is what we aim for. We assist our clients in different stages of investment projects, with clear strategy and measurable deliverables to achieve destinated timeline and budget through a comprehensive exposure of Indonesia’s policies and regulations. As a pioneer in Economic Zone Advisory, our comprehensive approach empower organizations to grow steadily with shortened learning curves, build a sustainable competitive advantage and maximize contribution to the stakeholders while supporting the government to boost the investment climate and facilitating our employees’ development to take leading positions in the economic zone community.
Our Values
“Eternity Spirit” expresses our company culture and individual behaviors.
Client Orientation

Highest Professional Standard With Long Term Vision
Comprehensive Knowledge


Industry Focus

Our Mission
We provide a full range of project support to enable our clients to overcome investment barriers and achieve investment goals in Indonesia. We will boost investment climate and contribute to Indonesia’s economic growth.
Client Orientation

Highest Professional Standard With Long Term Vision
Comprehensive Knowledge


Industry Focus

Our Services

Challenges of Due Diligence in Indonesia

1. Access to Information

When conducting due diligence, reliable data is critical. In opaque jurisdictions like Indonesia, there is limited data available online. Most of the time, information would have to be manually retrieved from relevant authorities. Without well-placed support, this un-digitized data will be difficult and more importantly costly to retrieve.

2. Legal Certainty

From governing documents to ownership of titles and contracts, many companies don’t fully understand information relating to legal infractions. They have difficulty determining the severity of these infractions, especially when comparing them across jurisdictions. Not having an understanding of these issues can open up a company to potential legal liability.

3. Data Integration

The Indonesian government introduced the One Data Indonesia policy to ensure that Indonesia had a single measurement of key datasets from population size to spatial planning and food supplies. This involves unifying local and national datasets and digitizing old paper records to get accurate answers to key questions so the government can make smart decisions and transparency is improved. However unifying datasets is always difficult. The two keys of the technical as well as the human element is still the biggest homework.

Why Us for Due Diligence

Due diligence is detailed investigation to make business decisions regarding risk vs reward of a given business opportunity. Besides comprehensive knowledge and expertise in the fields, we have strong network in the governmental bodies and business associations. Our team is capable to access the risk and identifies any potential red flags. Further, we help to define key performance indicators (KPIs) to guide you forward.

Due diligence cannot eliminate risk. There is an inherent risk in all business transactions. However, we can assist the decision-makers in understanding the potential of a given deal.

Our Location Due Diligence service will help you to secure clean & clear parcels with the best pricing to fit your project needs. Get in touch with us to learn more about how we can help you in making strategic decisions.

Purpose / Timline / Budget
Investigation Proces
Business Decision

Why Us for Economic Zone Advisory
Even reputable developers cannot afford to stay still in today’s fast-changing environment. From planning to commercial stage, there are series of business process in the Economic Zone development to be thoroughly prepared to build a solid foundation and strong positioning in the market, whereas project management plays an important role. Long-term success also requires an ability to adapt to changing conditions by leveraging innovation and technology. Our project leaders are glue that holds and takes control of a project from beginning to end, ensuring that the initiatives and goals are strategically aligned, the project has stakeholder support, and everyone is on the same page.

Maximize your project values and benefit from us:

We are here to help you to succeed in your economic zone development and market positioning. Our professionals will work together with your team and give clear directions and support during the staging development, from planning to compliance and business development. With Indonesia ranks 73th in Ease of Doing Business, we have knowledge to guide you amid the project challenges. We are not designated to agree with all your ideas. Instead, our clients should get feedback on their market strategies and better solutions.

Each business entity / economic zone has its own set of regulatory compliance issues, which may occasionally overlap with those of another. Understanding the regulatory compliance in Indonesia can be difficult, especially with the constant changes to regulations. We could best advice you on compliance matters and facilitate your meetings with relevant authorities.

Our strong networking in the governmental bodies and business associations, both domestic and overseas, will be an asset for your investment. We will facilitate you in negotiation with business and government sectors to speed up the project, in addition to bridge you with the relevant partners to get the most effective cooperation schemes.

Projects that give inadequate attention to dispute resolution mechanisms in many cases stimulate local conflict, but projects that have explicit and accessible procedures for managing disputes arising from the development process are much less likely to lead to violent outcomes. We will help you addressing broader social tensions during the development process though program mechanisms and networks of interaction, not limited to support you in building local competencies for workforce preparation.

Success depends on a high degree of commercial awareness. We will help you to know your core values, biggest competitors, key stakeholders, and current business challenges, also assist you in building your marketing team, tools and strategies.

Energy transition from fossil fuels to renewables is also a key pillar of Indonesia's plan to decarbonise its economy. The National Energy Policy launched by the Indonesian government in 2014 (GR No. 79/2014) sets a renewable energy target of 23% by 2025. Our experts will help you in the modelling and development process to contribute to 2060’s Net Zero Emission Target. Get in touch with us to learn more about how we can help you in your Economic Zone Development.

Why Us for Compliance & Regulatory Administration Service

There is no unifying legal instrument governing compliance in Indonesia. Various laws and regulations contain provisions on compliance. 

Article 4 of Law No. 40 of 2007 regarding Limited Liability Companies (Company Law) stipulates that in addition to the Company Law, companies are required to comply with the Articles of Association (AOA) or bylaws of such companies and other applicable laws and regulations of Indonesia.

Article 15 of Law No. 25 of 2007 regarding Investment (Investment Law) sets forth requirements for companies operating in Indonesia. Those requirements are to (i) implement the principle of good corporate governance; (ii) carry out corporate social responsibility programs; (iii) submit investment activities reports to the BKPM; (iv) honor the cultural traditions of the communities where the companies operate; and (iv) comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

A related compliance issue in Indonesia is the implementation of good corporate governance principles. Similar to compliance, good corporate governance principles have not been compiled into a single legally binding instrument although In 2006, the National Committee of Governance Policy issued the General  Guidance on Indonesian Good Corporate Governance. The non-existence of a legal instrument listing all the compliance obligations of companies in Indonesia requires businesses themselves to identify the compliance regulations to which they must adhere. It remains uneasy for companies to build such a general list of compliance regulations they must follow. Contact us to discuss your compliance concerns.

Why Us for Strategic Partnership
We understand that business partnerships are difficult.

Our Effective Partnership Formula:
(SV)² + (SR)² + SG = High Effectiveness

Strategic partnerships are formed to speed up the development of the project, share risks and expenses, streamline market penetration, and overcome uncertainty.

Over 80 percent of top executives feel partnerships are important to business growth, but methods of sourcing and maintaining effective long-term partnerships remain elusive. Researches show more than 40% partnerships are not well leveraged and have high failure rates, while more than 50% can’t maintain long term relationships. 

From Joint Ventures to Equity Strategic Alliances, We possess partnership management system to find strategic partners for you and help you to set exit strategies to minimize potential damages.

Why Us for Commercial Support

Leaders must be able to read the market and identify the risks and opportunities that exist, so they can define winning strategies. When it comes to global marketing strategies, creating strategies that work for every separate local market based on the target audience is the most important thing. It’s challenging to reach these local markets with your brand assets nowadays and harder than ever to stand out from other competitors.

The world has become a smaller place thanks to fast mobile internet and devices at all price points. Even if your business is located in US, somebody in Japan could be reading your posts, visiting your site or subscribing to your newsletter. So the importance of an international marketing strategy is to understand the specific market with its cultural values and current trends, and every marketing strategy starts with market research in gaining a competitive advantage and positioning for the targeted audience. As success depends on a high degree of commercial awareness, we will help you and your team to customize an integrated global marketing strategy. Talk to us now to learn more about how we can help you in your market positioning.

Why Us for Government Relations

In today’s highly regulated business environment, the implementation of appropriate government relations strategies has proven to help businesses gain an important competitive advantage in the market. Indonesia is not the easiest place to start an enterprise or conducting business, although Indonesia has climbed The World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business rankings steadily. Indonesia was ranked 109th in 2016 before climbing to 73rd at present. As a legally recognized entity, every business is impacted by the laws, regulations, and policies passed in the country and local governance offices across the archipelago. Even firms who already have significant experience in managing government interventions still face challenges when their subsidiaries newly enter the Indonesian market.

Not all businesses are skilled at educating policy-makers about issues, alerting senior management to legislative risks, and lobbying to ensure company views are reflected in policy debates and outcomes. Thus, a strong Governmental Relations function is often a critical part of success for fulfilling companies’ mission statements and achieving internal and external goals. And we possess the necessary knowledge and key contacts to influence policy-making processes in a way that fulfills market expectations. We play a bridging role between businesses and the government, fostering innovation and constructive dialogue among different interest groups and governing authorities. Get in touch with us to learn more about how we can help your business achieve its strategic business objectives.

Eternity Consulting

Other Business Support

We provide end-to-end support for your investment projects. Talk to us if you need other assistance.
Company Establishment

Stakeholder Management

National Strategic Project and SEZ Facilitation
Utility Providers Consultation
Other Government Support Facilitation
Company Establishment

Stakeholder Management

National Strategic Project and SEZ Facilitation
Utility Providers Consultation

Other Government Support Facilitation

Our Project Team For Economic Zone Advisory

Creative Project Leaders with excellent communication and leadership in developing synergistic relationships

Environment Specialist

Geographic Information Specialist

Transport Specialist

Civil Engineer

Government Relations

Talent Acquisition & Mass Recruitment

HR Management

Risk Management

Market Intelligence

Business Development Specialist

Urban Planning Specialist

Legal & Compliance

HR Specialist

Project Finance

Marketing Specialist

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